Information technology

I’ve spent three years as an Associate Support Technician, troubleshooting and solving problems for countless incidents. I have written over 30,000 request and incident tickets for hardware, software, client and/or web applications, network applications, password resets, and so much more.

  • Made precise report documentation of relevant content from support calls in ticketing systems, and assigned tickets to correct teams for resolution.

  • Regularly assisted doctors and nurses with accessing several applications that document electronic medical records.

  • Created knowledge base articles for caregivers, doctors and nurses to help navigate settings for multiple browsers.


The origins of this particular skill set has a funny story; in college I chose an elective named ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’, thinking that I would get more literary experience in comprehensive writing. To my surprise, it was a class for photography. Even more surprising, I loved every bit of it. Check out my gallery if you’d like to see the product of my enjoyable hobby.


My skills focus on front-end web design. While I can roll my sleeves up to work in servers, I much prefer designing and writing the code for what my audience will ultimately experience. HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript are a joy to work with and provide a wider range of possibilities. They allow for more creativity than PHP and other server language. I’ve created websites geared towards my past college projects, which are all referenced to on my projects page with live links.