HIKE IT is a mock app for a potential social network for hikers and other outdoor target audiences. - It can select a nearby trail and navigate you to it via GPS, giving you best suggestions for equipment for your trek in relation to the weather.- I…

HIKE IT is a mock app for a potential social network for hikers and other outdoor target audiences.

- It can select a nearby trail and navigate you to it via GPS, giving you best suggestions for equipment for your trek in relation to the weather.

- It allows you a platform to post your pictures and share with others in a community forum.

- Lastly HIKE IT includes a hub for group activities that can be hosted by regular attendees, so individuals can meet new people in a save environment doing something they love, or something entirely new.

Below you can see the design for the tool’s website. This website was illustrated using Adobe InDesign, with Windows 10 PCs in mind for the screen resolution, 1920x1080.

Validation: The logo went through many different iterations, the last of which displays curves representing switchbacks on a mountain through the front; the HIKE IT app design was finalized using overlaying layers in Adobe Photoshop. The primary col…

Validation: The logo went through many different iterations, the last of which displays curves representing switchbacks on a mountain through the front; the HIKE IT app design was finalized using overlaying layers in Adobe Photoshop.

The primary color pallet has remained the same, allowing the integrations of color swatches in the images on the website. Green was selected for its ties to nature, users would find greens and browns more in-tune with the subject matter. The hiking-themed icons on the right used in correlation with categories and features were customized in Adobe Illustrator for this project.

Typography: The font for this app was picked from modern san-serif styles, downloaded from the Adobe library. A mix of two font families supported the content of the project’s text. Corbel and HP Simplified.

Hike It Website - PC_Page_1.jpg
Hike It Website - PC_Page_2.jpg
Hike It Website - PC_Page_3.jpg
Hike It Website - Mobile_Page_1.jpg
Hike It Website - Mobile_Page_3.jpg